
Officers of the Chapter are elected or appointed to one year terms

Chapter Officers for the Masonic Snake year 2023-2024:

Chapter King Cobra CKC Chris "Dirty" Sanchez Elected

1st Deputy Chapter King Cobra SK Benjie "Senior Chief" Lorenzo III Elected

2nd Deputy Chapter King Cobra SK Marc "Stone Cold" or "Bato" Brofka Elected

Treasurer PCKC Nestor Policarpio Elected

Secretary IPCKC Jose Maria "Joemar" Camacho Elected

Auditor SK Louie Pe Benito Elected

Chaplain SK Vincente Abad Appointed

Public Relations Officer SK Manolo Gawat Appointed

Public Relations Officer SK Ryan "DJErge" Santos Appointed

Historian SK Mike Carmona         Appointed

Marshal SK Lakandiwa (Jun) "Lucky" Cruz Appointed

Marshal SK Robert (Bunso) Legarda Appointed

Sentinel SK Jojo Bautista Appointed

SK is the abbreviation for the title "Sir Knight" and is used for all Regular Members of the Chapter.

CKC is the abbreviation for the title "Chapter King Cobra." Only the presiding Chapter King Cobra is able to use this title.

PCKC is the abbreviation for the title "Past Chapter King Cobra." Only past presiding Chapter King Cobras are able to use this title.

IPCKC is the abbreviation for the title "Immediate Past Chapter King Cobra." Only the previous year's presiding Chapter King Cobra is able to use this title.